          By Barry Z. Masser, Plated Glass Designs®
The Book on Stained Glass Lamps
By Barry Z. Masser
This book will take you on a tour of the most beautiful stained glass lamps imaginable
    Full-Size Patterns for this 1920s-    Style Art Deco Lamp
Above, four of the 54 gorgeous lamps pictured in the Lamp Book. These are lamps YOU can produce NOW, even if you have just average skills.

Here's what people are saying:
“Dear Barry,
Let me congratulate you on this book.It is the best book on stained glass lamps I have ever read, bar none. You managed to cover all aspects of lamp construction.From beginner to advanced lamp builders there is something there that everyone can learn from. An excellent book!" Ted H.   
This book is for every stained glass artist who is either building lamps now, or is thinking about starting. Almost every section includes color photos of the most beautiful stained glass lamps built worldwide.
Packed with construction tips, unique design ideas, and the facts on unusual techniques such as reverse painting, foil underlay and overlay, mica shades, and plating, it’s the most complete guide available on original glass lamps.
These pages will not only introduce you to an entirely new glass universe right now, but will serve as a valuable reference source in the future. Here’s a small sampling of the contents:



Dome Lamps (Tiffany and beyond)    
Selecting Bases                                       
Rewiring Made Easy   
Panel Lamps        
   Wall Sconces
    Japanese Andons
   How to Photograph Your Lamps     
   Plating lamps (layering)  
   How to Market Your Lamps
                                        94  Pages of clear, detailed, entertaining information                              
                              54  Color photos covering every known type of stained glass lamp
                                                31  How-to illustrations

              Only $24.95 plus $3.75 postage & handling  
To purchase your copy of THE BOOK ON STAINED GLASS LAMPS,  go to the Order Now page to use PayPal. Or click mail if you prefer.
 We're proud members of the Association of Stained Glass Lamp Artists (ASGLA)

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